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Dr. Ford's Weekly Message




Good evening Mark Twain families,


This is Dr. Ford calling with updates and announcements.  We have now reached the midway point in the semester and it is essential that students are checking Schoology to ensure they are up to date with assignments.  This upcoming week, we have a number of things happening.  Firstly on Wednesday, October 18th, our students will have an assembly covering the very heavy topic of Suicide Awareness.  This assembly is a district mandate and information was sent home with you child back in September; but I am attaching the letter to the email version of this message so you are aware of the other monthly assemblies.  Parents who attended my most recent Tea with Me, were also shown the presentation and participated in discussion activities.  If you have any questions about this, please reach out.


On Thursday, October 19th, we will be following a minimum day schedule with dismissal at 12:57pm.  We will then hold Student Led Conferences from 1:45-3:30pm, which is open to all families.  Your child will take you to each of their classes and show you what they have been working on.  From 5-7pm, families who have received a phone call are invited to attend individual conferences with teachers.  Also on Thursday, I will be hosting Tea with Me at 8:45am in the library.  This will be a shorter meeting than usual due to the minimum day bell schedule and we will be reviewing the Safe School Plan.  I look forward to seeing you on campus.


Finally, Friday October 20th will also be a minimum day with dismissal at 12:57pm.  As always, thank you so much for your continued support and collaboration. Take care, have a great rest of your evening and a wonderful weekend. 

File attachments:
Every School Safe.docx.pdf

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The Friends of Mark Twain (FOMT) is a booster club dedicated to supporting Mark Twain Middle School through fundraising, volunteering and community outreach. Our goal is to help students, parents/guardians, faculty and staff by providing the resources they need to thrive throughout the school year.

© 2023 Friends of Mark Twain Middle School. All rights reserved.

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